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Technician Training from the #1 Fixed Ops Training Company Get Appointment Today
The auto industry is losing 3 technicians for every 1 entering the workforce. To address the technician shortage, DealerPRO created the Technician Retention Program™ (TRP) to help dealers prevent poaching and develop long-term loyal employees. The TCP develops technicians from the dealership’s current staff by taking “D” level techs and training them up to the “C” level. The TRP program provides your employees with a roadmap to career progression and added incentive to stay within your dealership. To improve employee retention DealerPRO has partnered with Sonic Tools USA to provide graduates with tools and toolboxes in exchange for a 24-month employment commitment. Tools are a great incentive, and providing technicians with a Quick Service Tool Cart and Tools after they complete their TCP training will help with recruiting and retention.